Where We Work

Currently we operate in 4 US cities and 3 cities in Kenya. We have also done pilot programs in Hyderabad, India and Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. We have received requests for programs and partnerships in several other countries, where we hope to expand over the coming years. We are in the process of developing a virtual learning platform in order to efficiently scale and reach girls and young women in more geographic regions.

Where We Are

GHE in the United States

Currently, we operate in 4 US cities—Washington, DC; New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA; and New Orleans, LA—and have received requests for workshops in several other US cities. We are also in the process of developing a virtual learning platform in order to efficiently scale and reach girls and young women in more geographic regions.

At Work in the US

GHE in Kenya

Girls Health Ed has been doing programs in Kenya since 2016. We currently have active programs in Nairobi, Kogelo, and Nyamira.

At Work in Kenya

Your Support is Powerfull

Join our efforts to improve the lives of girls and young women through comprehensive health and sexuality education. Thanks to your continue support we can bring our program and change the lives of many more girls.



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© Girls Health Ed 2021